Mr Darshan Pravinbhai Kanani

Mr Darshan Kanani

Country Origin: India

Level: M.Sc., 4th semester

Faculty: Production Engineering

Programme: Global Production Engineering and Management

Languages: English

Additional information: I am a student at Warsaw University of Technology.
I am studying in the final year of my Master of Science with majoring in Production Management. Since being here, WUT is like my second home because there are so many opportunities for students to get involved, whether by joining sports, doing research to getting an internship or job. Outside of university, I am fond of music. I can play musical instruments like the piano and drum. I am so excited to serve as one of your ambassadors this year and hope to create relationships with you all! Enjoy your time at WUT.


Why did I decide to study Production Engineering?

I completed my Bachelor’s degree study in the field of Mechanical Engineering. After gaining some professional experience in my field, I thought that I needed some more knowledge about the field of production. I tried to find courses related to my field. Suddenly, I found the one which was a perfect combination of engineering technology and management perspective. The course curriculum matched the market needs perfectly and the Global Production Engineering and Management specialisation was in the area of my interest. In the manufacturing world, graduates in manufacturing engineering are in high demand. At Warsaw University of Technology, I got a perfect combination of the course and the environment which I was looking for.


Why did I decide to study in Poland?

As I completed my Bachelor’s degree studies in India, I wanted to find a place where I can study in high-quality education institutions with affordable tuition fees. Poland was the best option for me with an education of high standard and low cost of living. Poland is also one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. I researched on the internet and found that Warsaw University of Technology is a perfect place to gain my knowledge in Poland because of its high standard of the education system and great reputation in Poland and in the world. Options of studies in English are always limited in European countries, but here, in Poland, there are many options available. Also, I love travelling, I found a very nice place to visit in Poland. Weather is always my priority and I want to live in good conditions. All of these factors encouraged me to study in Poland.