Mr Samuel Njoroge Chandago

Mr Samuel Njoroge Chandago

Country of origin: Kenya

WUT email address:

Faculty: Power and Aeronautical Engineering

Level: Master (MSc), 2nd semester

Course: Aerospace Engineering

Languages:  English, Swahili, Kikuyu

Why did I choose Aerospace Engineering?

After successfully completing my bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering at the Technical University of Kenya in December 2023, I set my sights on pursuing a master’s degree in the same field. My goal was to deepen my expertise in aircraft propulsion systems or the design of aircraft systems. The Aerospace Engineering Master’s program at Warsaw University of Technology stood out to me due to its world-class aerospace facilities, including a wind tunnel, a Boeing 737 simulator laboratory, and an Aeronautical and Space Research Centre (OBLOAT) which is equipped with PW-5 gliders. Since starting the program in October 2024, I have thoroughly enjoyed the lectures, projects and laboratory sessions. The professors and lecturers are highly experienced and always willing to help, making the learning process both engaging and enriching. Choosing Warsaw University of Technology to advance my education in Aerospace Engineering has been one of the best decisions I have made.

Why did I decide to study in Poland?

Studying in Poland was my top choice, primarily because I was awarded the fully funded NAWA Stefan Banach scholarship in 2024 – an opportunity I deeply appreciate. Additionally, through my research, I discovered that Poland is not only one of the safest countries in Europe but also home to incredibly friendly people. I experienced this first hand during my winter break in February 2025 while working part-time as a food delivery courier. Many Polish people went out of their way to help me find addresses when I got lost and I always felt safe even when working late at night. Another advantage of studying in Poland is the flexibility for students to work as long as they can balance work with their studies. Furthermore, Poland's central location in Europe makes it easy to travel to other Schengen states, provided the visa is valid. These factors made Poland the perfect place for me to further my education and broaden my global perspective.

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