Mr Olawale Emmanuel Rowland

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Country of origin: Nigeria

Faculty: Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering

Level: M.Sc., 4th semester

Course: Environment Protection Eng.

Languages: English, Yoruba and Polish



Why did I choose to study Environmental Engineering? 

I love nature. While growing up, I was intrigued by biodiversity and the uniqueness of species across our planet – the fact that Tasmanian devils, Koalas, Wallabies, Wombats can only be found in Australia’s forests and grasslands fascinated me. Unconsciously, I was always drawn to environmental discourse and threats to our planet’s invaluable resources. This metamorphosized into an unending desire to contribute to environmental sustainability and sustainable development through advocacy, consultancy, and environmental research to identify, analyse, and mitigate the environmental impacts of companies' activities. My experience in West Africa where myriads of the threats to the environment are more prevalent – greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, land-use change, sea-level rise, coastal flooding, oil spillage, traffic congestion, and poor municipal solid waste management further solidified my interest and consequently inspired me to pursue Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering at WUT.


Why did I decide to study in Poland? 

I gathered Poland is an amazing country with diverse and rich education history with multiple postgraduate funding opportunities.  Besides, Poland’s multicultural society aided by her location in central Europe also endeared this beautiful country to me. For me, it was necessary to study in a multi-cultural environment where I can interact, and collaborate with professionals across the globe to better understand the complexity of environmental problems – all of which Poland offers abundantly. In addition, the awesome amusements, beautiful rivers, and parks were irresistible. 


Additional information: Olawale is the holder of the Ignacy Łukasiewicz scholarship offered by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). For more information about the scholarship for candidates to Master’s degree studies, please check:

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