Ms Naz Kabaroglu

Ms Naz Kabaroğlu

Country of origin: Turkiye

WUT email address:

Faculty: Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering

Level: Bachelor, 5th semester

Course: Environmental Engineering

Languages:  Turkish (native), English, Spanish


Why did I decide to study Environmental Engineering?

From an early stage in my academic journey, I’ve been driven by a deep-seated passion for engineering and problem-solving. Initially, I pursued Industrial Engineering in Turkey, a decision fueled by my enthusiasm for optimizing processes and systems. However, as I delved deeper into the field, I realized that my true passion lay in addressing global challenges through engineering solutions. My interest in environmental engineering stems from the fact that I want to be apart of finding solutions for global problems like resource management and climate change. The idea of focusing on hydrology or renewable energy, two fields that are essential to creating resilient and sustainable systems, excites me in especially. Hydrology is crucial for managing water resources and tackling problems with water scarcity and quality, while renewable energy offers creative ways to lessen our dependency on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change. My desire to learn more about these topics is a reflection of my dedication to developing methods and technologies that improve environmental sustainability and human well-being.

Why did I decide to study in Poland?

My decision to study in Poland, and specifically at Politechnika Warszawska, was influenced by the country’s growing reputation for excellence in engineering education and its vibrant academic environment. Poland offers a unique blend of high-quality education and a forward-thinking approach to addressing global challenges, making it an ideal location for my studies.Politechnika Warszawska is renowned for its robust Environmental Engineering program, known for its rigorous curriculum and emphasis on practical experience. The university’s strong focus on research and its advanced facilities were key factors in my choice, as they provide the ideal environment for developing my expertise in the field. I can also fully immerse myself in a lively and diverse cultural environment while studying in Warsaw, which broadens my viewpoints and enhances my educational experience. The city's emphasis on innovation and sustainability fits very nicely with my professional objectives and provides a positive environment for both my academic and professional development.

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