The Transcend mentorship program

Transcend: an exclusive, one-to-one mentorship program with software engineers from top app developer Bending Spoons For all European STEM students. Applications are open until June 6.

The Transcend mentorship program is officially open, an opportunity for all European students with a
passion for software engineering.

Bending Spoons, one of the first iOS app developers in the world, has launched the program as a way to support and encourage STEM students to pursue a career in software engineering. A total of 20 students will be selected after a thorough and well-crafted process to access an exclusive one-to-one mentorship program lasting one year. The program will be led by a senior software engineer at Bending Spoons and will grant precious advice, counseling and coaching to all students

Who can apply All European citizens attending a government-recognized university in a STEM field anywhere in the world can apply by June 6. Non-European citizens undertaking a full degree at a European University can also apply. Students who have finished their degree within the last year are eligible. Any academic track record and remarkable side projects will help applicants’ score but, even without those, organizers will look for a clear and sincere passion for software engineering.

The selection process
A thorough selection process will ensure that the twenty winners are talented and really interested in software engineering. The first selection will be based on the evaluation of applicants’ CVs, motivation letter and academic transcripts, the second stage will consist of logical tests and a coding challenge. By the summer the twenty successful candidates will be announced.

The program
The twenty most impressive entrants will win an exclusive, one-to-one mentorship program led by a senior software engineer at Bending Spoons, which will include one meeting per month for a year - a total of 12 mentorship sessions for each winner. The first meeting will be scheduled by Bending Spoons. Subsequent meetings will be arranged adhoc by both parties.

In 2020, Bending Spoons was recognised as one of Europe's Best Places to Work by the Great Place to Work Institute. The company, which was founded in 2013 in Copenhagen, moved to Milan in 2014 and has reached over 200 employees from over 20 different countries.

For further info:

The Transcend mentorship program
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