Power Engineering

B.Sc. Power Engineering  

Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering  

Duration: 3,5 years  

Starts in: October  

During the first year, studies focus on mathematics, physics, mechanics, thermodynamics, and computer science. The core subjects for the second year are fundamentals of mechanical design, control engineering, and foreign language. Students of Power Engineering learn advanced thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer theory of heat machines, electric machines, electronics, fundamentals of combustion processes and fuels, theory of flow machines, and electric power systems. The third year is again more specialised. In the third year of Power, Engineering students learn thermal power systems, energy sources, and energy conversion, technologies of environmental protection, renewable energy systems, control of heat processes, they also learn about turbines, pumps, steam boilers, reciprocating engines and heat pumps. The last half of the year in 3.5 years program is devoted to the supervised work on the engineering diploma thesis. The objectives of the study are to create solid fundamental engineering knowledge during the first year of the study, and then learn deeply about the problems devoted to the subject of the study. Graduates are prepared to work in the industry and solve engineering problems. They have wide knowledge in the area of thermal engineering, electrical power engineering, information technologies, and economics. The program provides them with knowledge and skills that are important for sustainable development of energy sources, ecological production of energy, transmission, and distribution of electricity. Students are prepared for creative work within the area of design, commissioning, and operation of power systems, as well as energy production, conversion, transmission, and distribution.


Examples of modules:  

• Mechanics of structures  

• Thermodynamics  

• Basics of automation and control  

• Machine design  

• Fluid mechanics  

• Heat transfer  

• Theory of heat machines  

• Electric Power Systems  

• Combustion and Fuels  

• Measurements and technique of experiment  

• Energy systems  

• Electric Power Systems  

• Energy sources and conversion  

• Internal Combustion Engines  

• Steam Boilers  

• Turbines  

• Power Engineering Machines and Systems 

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