Aerospace Engineering

B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering  

Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering  

Duration: 3,5 years  

Starts in: October

During the first year, studies focus on mathematics, physics, mechanics, thermodynamics and computer science. The core subjects for the second year are fundamentals of mechanical design, control engineering, and foreign language. Students in the aerospace programme also learn their specialisation subjects like aeronautics and astronautics. The third-year is again more specialized. The aerospace program focuses on aeronautical systems, mechanics of flight, materials for aerospace technologies, propulsion systems and rotorcrafts. The last half of the year in 3.5 years program is devoted to the supervised work on the engineering diploma thesis.  

Graduates from Aerospace Engineering demonstrate expertise required in the modern aerospace industry, airlines, and other industries applying novel technologies. They are also prepared to respond to the needs of research institutions in the research, design, development and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft. Besides basic electronics and information sciences, including CAD, they possess solid knowledge in mechanics, thermodynamics, an understanding of combustion processes, materials, and manufacturing technologies used in the aerospace industry.  


Examples of modules:  

• Electric Circuits  

• Mechanics of structures  

• Thermodynamics  

• Basics of automation and control  

• Fluid mechanics  

• Machine design  

• Introduction to aerospace  

• Materials in aerospace technology  

• Integrated CAD/CAM/CAE system  

• Mechanics of flight  

• Aircraft Engine Design  

• Aircraft Design  

• Aeronautical System  

• Risk and reliability in aviation  

• Rotorcraft Aeromechanics 

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