Tuition fee

How to make the tuition fee payment.

YOUR CID, your surname, your name

Tuition fees should be paid for the first semester of studies. Sometimes, we accept a maximum of two semesters (one academic year) of payment. If you are an EU citizen and are not required to pay, please upload your EU id or the Conditional Acceptance Letter in the tuition fee slot.

IMPORTANT: Start your payment description with  YOUR APPLICATION ID NUMBER (CID number - the four or five digits number you use to log into your account). While making the transaction, it is crucial to write this particular description. It helps to track it fast. 

IMPORTANT: Remember that extra charges might be added to the transaction by your bank - you should cover these charges. The University should receive the full amount of tuition fees. While transferring money to the University account, make sure that you cover all the bank charges and that they do not get deducted from the tuition fee amount by your bank.

INVOICES Our office is unable to issue any invoices for the tuition fee payment. Please use the Conditional Acceptance Letter, for instance. Thank you for your understanding, and sorry for the inconvenience.

 Making the tuition fee payment is recommended only after getting the positive Conditional Acceptance Letter.

 Account number  81 1240 1053 1111 0000 0500 5664
 Bank name  PEKAO SA, IV o/Warszawa
 Swift / Iban  PKO PPL PW / PL 81 1240 1053 1111 0000 0500 5664
 Bank address  ul. S.Noakowskiego 18/20, 00-668 Warszawa
 Beneficiary name  Warsaw University of Technology
 Beneficiary address  pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa


The payment of tuition fees should be made in Euro currency. If it is not possible in any case, please use the exchange rates of Bank Pekao SA, our University's bank.

Click here to learn about the refund policy.

Tuition fee
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