Eligibility Statement

Eligibility Statement is formal proof (a document) that your currently provided education documentation, allows you to continue higher education in the educational system in which it was issued. 

B.Sc. Level

It is a document with confirmation that your high school leaving certificate officially entitles you to enter tertiary (university) education in the country where you graduated from high school. It should contain a statement like:

The certificate no.<number of the certificate> entitles its holder, Mr./Ms. <name of student> to continue education at tertiary (university) level in <name of country>.”
NOTE The Eligibility Statement should refer to the country/educational system of the country in which the document was issued - not Poland. Try avoiding sentences that state that you can "continue studies in any country of the world", etc.

If your main document does not have any reference number, then please provide other details which will directly refer to the details in the main document.

It can be issued by:

  • your high school
  • ministry of education of the country of the university
  • sometimes also by the Polish Embassy in the country of the university or the Embassy of the country of the university in Poland

You can download a template of B.Sc. eligibility statement template here:

Eligibility Statement (2019) (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 12.73 kB)
NOTICE: The Eligibility Statement does not require legalization/apostille. It can only be stamped and signed by a competent authority.

In the case of mixed curriculums ie. secondary schools which combine eg local curriculum with the British or American one (most common), then we might require you to provide this template:


M.Sc. Level

It is a document with confirmation that the B.Sc. degree that you have officially entitles you to enter Master studies in the country where you graduated from Bachelor studies. It should contain a statement like:

The B.Sc. diploma no. [number of your certificate] entitles its holder, Mr/Ms  [your name] to continue studies on Masters level in [name of the country where you graduated from Bachelor studies]
NOTE: The Eligibility Statement should refer to the country/educational system of the country in which the document was issued - not Poland. Try avoiding sentences that state that you can "continue studies in any country of the world", etc.

If your main document does not have any reference number, then please provide other details which will directly refer to the details in the main document.

It can be issued by:

  • your university
  • ministry of education of the country of the university
  • sometimes also by the Polish Embassy in the country of the university or the Embassy of the country of the university in Poland
See examples of Eligibility Statement from



or download a sample doc file, and just ask your school to fill it in:

eligibility_sample_msc (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 14.40 kB)

In the case of universities from India, we can also accept a Transfer Certificate or Migration Certificate.

NOTICE: The Eligibility Statement does not require legalization/apostille. It can only be stamped and signed by a competent authority.


In what language the Eligibility Statement should be?

It should be in the English/Polish language or officially translated into any of those two languages.

Eligibility Statement
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