Application fee

How to make the application fee payment.

IMPORTANT: Start your payment description with YOUR/CANDIDATE'S PASSPORT NUMBER!
While making the transaction, it is essential to write this special description. It helps to track it fast.

NAWA scholarship holders must also make the 85 PLN application fee payment.

While applying to our University, you first make the payment of the APPLICATION FEE. It can be used only for one session. However, you can apply to 3 faculties (1 at a time). You select your priority course and two backup courses. If you are unlucky with the first choice, your file will be automatically forwarded to the second option and the third option.

The application fee should be transferred to our University account below. We only accept money transfers at this moment. Please use any available service, e.g. via your bank account, online transfers, paying with cash at the bank, etc.

If you wish to receive the Bank Letter, please inform ISO by sending an email to:

e-mail title - 'Bank Letter'; e-mail content: name, surname, passport number. 

 Account number  69 1240 6003 1111 0010 5413 2862
 Bank name  PEKAO SA, IV o/Warszawa
 SWIFT (aka BIC) / IBAN  PKO PPL PW / PL 69 1240 6003 1111 0010 5413 2862
 Bank address  ul. S. Noakowskiego 18/20, 00-668 Warszawa
 Beneficiary name  Warsaw University of Technology
 Beneficiary address  pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa

 The application fee is non-refundable.

CURRENCY All foreign currencies sent to WUT are converted into PLN. Keep in mind that extra charges and additional fees might be added by, e.g. your bank. While transferring money to the University account, make sure that the total sum is corrected accordingly to your bank service rates. Our University uses the exchange rates of Bank Pekao SA.


INVOICES Notice that we are not able to issue any invoices.
Application fee
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