On Thursday (29th of April), the International Office of Warsaw University of Technology will take part in the Virtual Education Fairs in Africa organized by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
If you want to find out more about our offer, please visit our stand at https://rsgp.webexpo.pl/event/rspg/hala-1/stand/warsaw-university-of-technology
We will be available on the online chat from 8 am until 4 pm (Polish time).
We also recommend you taking part in NAWA’s webinar at 10 am (the Banach Scholarship for candidates for Master’s degree studies – The Banach Scholarship Programme - NAWA) and the webinar of our University at 11:30 am (info about required documents, how to apply etc.): NAWA Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, Virtual Education Fairs (webexpo.pl)
Participation in the event is free of charge.