Due to the fact that it is necessary to plan the academic activities at Warsaw University of Technology in advance, the authorities of the University present the draft plan of studies organisation in the winter semester of the 2020/2021 academic year.
The information has been provided on the basis of the current knowledge about the risk of COVID-19 pandemics and taking account the existing guidelines. The planned scenario may be updated depending on the development of the pandemic.
Research, administrative and didactic activities at the University will be organised in a way which guarantees respecting the sanitary regime.
The didactic process will be carried out in a mixed system. Classes such as e.g. lectures, which involve a huge concentration of people in one place and their movement in passageways, will be carried out online. The form of other classes was planned according to one of three scenarios presented below, taking into account the differenes in studying modes adjusted to the requirements of different faculties, programmes and didactic cycle stages.
The table presented in the annex has been prepared following consultation with faculties’ authorities.
Due to the fact that it is necessary to plan the academic activities at Warsaw University of Technology in advance, the authorities of the University present the draft plan of studies organisation in the winter semester of the 2020/2021 academic year.
Information has been provided on the basis of the current knowledge about the risk of COVID-19 pandemics and taking account the existing guidelines. The planned scenario may be updated depending on the development of the pandemic.
Please download this file to learn about the details:
UPDATE: The Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering is launching studies in the remote, online mode!!!