Professor Krzysztof Zaremba elected the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology

Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, Phd, DSc, has been selected for the post of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology for the 2020–2024 term.

During the election sitting on 25 June 2020, the Electoral College elected Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, Phd, DSc, for the post of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology for the 2020–2024 term.

During the pre-election meeting, which took place on 23 June 2020 and was organised by videoconference, candidates for the post of the Rector of WUT presented their election programmes. According to Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, PhD, DSc, the most important objectives include:

  • becoming the leading academic centre in the region, contributing to scientific discoveries and shaping trends in the development of tomorrow’s technology;
  • improving the effectiveness of mechanisms for supporting the quality of education;
  • integration and popularisation of the methods for the digital support of didactics, both in terms of educational content as well as administrative issues;
  • improving University’s everyday functioning;
  • creating conditions for the better use of common scholarhip and support programmes as well as developing Warsaw University of Technology’s own scholarship and support programmes;
  • developing ambitious and creating new technical standards vision of spacial development of Warsaw University of Technology and continuing current activities aimed at improving the quality of infrastructure and comfort of use.

"I stand for the post of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology in order to enhance the sense of University community which is the condition for completing all expected and unexpected actions we will have to take during the upcoming term of office," emphasised Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, PhD, DSc, in his programme.

Professor Krzysztof Zaremba elected the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology
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