Danish Work Culture - Workshops for students!

Are you studying IT at the Warsaw University of Technology? Or maybe IT is an area you know well, regardless of the field of study?

If so, this event is for you.

Do you know what makes a Danish employer different? What is Danish humour like? What is the Danish boss like? Why is integration with other colleagues important in a Danish company? Meet Danish IT companies operating in Warsaw and check what they offer to students.

The WUT Careers Service and the Royal Danish Embassy in Warsaw invite you to a two-day event "Danish work culture" (25 and 26 February 2021).

Our agenda:

25.02.2021 / Thursday / 2:00-3:15 PM Online meeting with four companies from the IT industry running branches in Warsaw. Learn more from them about the characteristics of work in the Danish company and what each employer offers to students. Companies you will meet during the event:

  • BEC Poland
  • EG A/S
  • KMD Poland
  • Netcompany

The meeting on February 25, 2021, will be held in English. Registered students will receive a link to the meeting the day before the event. The meeting is organized on the MS Teams platform. 

Registration is possible after logging in to the Career Center. REGISTRATION BY 02/24/2021. https://bkpw.jobteaser.com/pl/events/97490-danish-work-culture?fbclid=IwAR37camRa8WT3UyDLFgi09yyvTfmBmjN0KJRLYa3pKBwNOHFx-n1aOJLIc8

The event program also includes 4 webinars: 

  • Duńska kultura pracy, KMD / 25.02 (Thursday) / webinar in Polish http://bit.ly/3tTO9Xg 
  • Mentoring w duńskiej firmie na przykładzie warszawskiego oddziału Netcompany, Netcompany / 26.02 (Friday) / webinar in Polish http://bit.ly/2NiiAFV 
  • DevOps - where development clashes with operations and everyone live in perfect harmony, EG A/S / 26.02 (Friday) / webinar in English http://bit.ly/3d7u6Pk
Danish Work Culture - Workshops for students!
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