Faculties Staff for International Students

Below, you can find contact details of the academic staff in charge of studies in English.


If you want to contact the administration staff (Dean's Office), please click here.

Faculty Name Email
Electronics and Information Technology Grzegorz Tarapata, PhD grzegorz.tarapata@pw.edu.pl
Electrical Engineering Włodzimierz Dąbrowski, PhD, prof. WUT wlodzimierz.dabrowski@pw.edu.pl
Civil Engineering  prof. Artur Zbiciak, PhD, DSc artur.zbiciak@pw.edu.pl
Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering Wiktor Treichel, PhD, prof. WUT wiktor.treichel@pw.edu.pl
Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Dariusz Golański, PhD, DSc, WUT professor dariusz.golanski@pw.edu.pl
Power and Aeronautical Engineering Maciej Zasuwa, PhD, DSc,
WUT professor
Mechatronics Olga Iwasińska-Kowalska, PhD, DSc prodziekan.studia@mchtr.pw.edu.pl
Chemistry Robert Ziółkowski, PhD, DSc, prof. WUT robert.ziolkowski@pw.edu.pl
Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering Artur Jankowiak, PhD, prof. WUT artur.jankowiak@pw.edu.pl
Physics Katarzyna Rutkowska, PhD, DSc, prof. WUT katarzyna.rutkowska@pw.edu.pl
Mathematics and Information Science Iwona Wróbel, PhD iwona.wrobel@pw.edu.pl
(Computer Science and Information Systems – Bachelor's degree studies)
Anna Cena, PhD anna.cena@pw.edu.pl
(Data Science)
Transport Emilian Szczepański, PhD, DSc, prof. WUT emilian.szczepanski@pw.edu.pl
Architecture Anita Orchowska, PhD dziekan.stud.arch@pw.edu.pl
Renata Jóźwik, PhD (Arch) renata.jozwik@pw.edu.pl 
(Bachelor’s degree studies)
Krystian Kwieciński, PhD (Arch) ask.arch@pw.edu.pl
Architecture (Master’s degree studies, spec. Architecture for Society of Knowledge)
Tomasz Majda, PhD (Arch) tomasz.majda@pw.edu.pl 
Urban Planning (Master’s degree studies)
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography Katarzyna Rędzińska, PhD, DSc dziekan.studenci.gik@pw.edu.pl
Material Science and Engineering Joanna Zdunek, PhD, DSc, prof. WUT joanna.zdunek@pw.edu.pl
Chemical and Process Engineering, spec. Green Technologies in Chemical Engineering Agnieszka Markowska-Radomska, PhD agnieszka.markowska@pw.edu.pl